A true-and-suspenseful horror tale of haunting, homicides and the hunt for triple-murderer, Daniel Laplante - as told by the cops that were there
Lt. Thomas Lane (Ret.)
The haunting - an unseen presence in the walls
Then came the call to police on December 8, 1986 of an intruder holding people hostage at the Bowen residence located at 93 Lawrence Street, Pepperell, Massachusetts. When officers arrived at the residence, they found that Bowen, his two daughters, and their young friend had not been harmed, and the intruder had either left the scene or was secreted somewhere, either in the house or in the area. A search of the home by officers and a State Police K9 came up negative.
Bowen indicated that he and the three girls had returned home to find someone had used the toilet and items were out of place. He searched the house and found the intruder hiding in a closet. The man had dark spiked hair, a painted face and was wearing a hairy jacket (not the dress of the deceased mom, as many stories indicate). The man had a hatchet in one hand and a steel wrench in the other. Bowen said the intruder ordered all four into a bedroom in a "very calm" manner. Tina Bowen was able to escape from the room and run next door, from which a call was made to police.
Bowen said that the hatchet wielded by the intruder was one he kept on his nightstand in his bedroom. Although the intruder was later determined to be Daniel Laplante, whom Bowen had met in the past, no one from the Bowen family made that identification on December 8th. It was also interesting that Frank Bowen described the male as approximately 22 years old. Danny was 16 at the time. Tina had described the male as standing 6-feet tall and being somewhere between 17 and 26 years old. Danny was 5'8" tall. Fear and Laplante's disguise obviously prevented their recognition of Daniel as the kidnapper that evening.
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Hatchet similar to one wielded by Laplante to threaten and kidnap Bowen family - photo credit: Linda Lane |
The Bowen family temporarily evacuated their home soon after this incident. However, on December 10, two days later, Pepperell Police received a call to go to that same residence. Officer Steven Bezanson arrived at 93 Lawrence Street and was met by Frank Bowen, who told Bezanson that he (Bowen) had returned to the home to get some belongings and had seen a face in his front window - the same face of the man that took his family hostage two days prior.
Off. Bezanson: "I could tell as I drove up. He (Bowen) was very upset. I could tell as I drove up. he's pointing at the house. I said to myself, here we go. He's going to say he saw the guy at the window."
Bezanson got the key from Bowen, checked the snow on the ground for fresh tracks, and then entered the home. Still slightly unsure if Bowen's information was true, Steve's entry into the home brought him back to reality!
Off. Bezanson: "When I opened the door, on the right hand wall, I saw a knife sticking out of the wall. And I see it's through a picture - a family picture - written on it in magic marker 'I'M STILL HERE. . COME FIND ME'." Now the hair goes up on the back of my head. On another wall, I saw another picture saying I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL with a knife through it."
Steve called for backup, and Chief David Young and Sgt. Jim Scott came to the location. All three officers searched the house once again with negative results. That changed quickly.
Off. Bezanson: "That bastard is still here. We're missing something!"
"Oh, that's a wall to hide pipes. I'm thinking, son of a bitch, there's enough room back there. I have one hand on the butt of my pistol. I saw what looked like a pile of clothes. He was totally covered with the clothes. I said, that's him. I pulled my pistol and said, 'I got the son of a bitch right here'. But he didn't move. I told him, let me see your hands or I will splatter your brains all over that wall. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dave Young run out of the room. He left."
"This is when I saw Laplante was really bad. He was not afraid. He looked out of the corner of his eye. He wasn't afraid to have a gun stuck next to his head."
Bezanson's take on Daniel not being afraid of having a gun to his head meshes well with Bowen's statement that Laplante had a "calm manner" when kidnapping his family. This was clearly a cold, calm, clever, calculating menace capable of horrendous acts. A rough sketch of Danny's secret hiding place in the Bowen home can be viewed below.
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Laplante hiding place (top view) Credit: Steve Bezanson, Tom Lane |
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Laplante hiding place (side view) Credit: Steve Bezanson, Tom Lane |
For the curious wanting to know more about Laplante's hiding spot, he secreted himself in a triangular space in a corner, bounded on two sides by the concrete foundation and an inner wall - and by another wall on the third (outfacing) side separating the toilet from the plumbing pipes. The space allowed just enough room for him to sit in a crouched position, and even sleep in that mode.
It was the minuscule entry to the space and the manner in which it was accessed, that fooled observers into thinking there was no apparent way for a human of any size to climb onto the low foundation, squeeze through the very-narrow opening and jump down to the cellar floor. But obviously, there was a way.
Returning to my former research engineer role, I did some measurements to determine just how wide - or narrow - that entry point to the wall might have been. I determined that at 5'8" and 163 pounds, I could squeeze through an opening 8.5 inches wide. Daniel, 5'8" and 135 pounds at the time, could possibly have maneuvered through an opening as narrow as 7.5 inches. For comparison, think of the width of a standard sheet of 8.5 X 11- inch paper.
I was at the District Attorney's office in Ayer (MA) District Court when I received the phone call of Daniel's arrest. Euphoria does not begin to describe my reaction. I headed back to the police station where Laplante was being booked. His home address of 22 Elm Street, Townsend, MA was the first-of-six Elm Street connections in the Daniel Laplante saga.
Eschewing the usual practice of taking two booking photos - I took six of Danny. My strong feeling was that they would be used in the future. There was simply something far more sinister with this 16-year-old than I had ever encountered in the past. My thinking proved to be prophetic.
I transported Laplante to Ayer District Court with a second juvenile facing charges unrelated to Daniel's offenses. Prior to Laplante's trial, that same individual told me that Danny had related to him that he (Danny) did certain things within the Bowen home to confuse them and make them fight among themselves. This individual added that Daniel became more specific, relating that he would change the channel on the TV set or drink a glass of milk when no one was in the room. Laplante had also told the juvenile that he had "taken them hostage" - "them" being the Bowen family..
Officer Bezanson never got the individual recognition he deserved. His training as a cop and instincts and awareness as a seasoned hunter allowed him to find Daniel's well-planned hiding place. It was clearly a case of predator-becomes-prey, and that scenario was to be repeated in "the hunt" portion of this article.
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Officer Steve Bezanson (Ret.) on the hunt |
The homicides - an innocent family destroyed
- the risk of the defendant fleeing,
- the type of crime alleged,
- the "dangerousness" of defendants, and
- the safety of the community.
The hunt - predator becomes prey
Laplante was finally spotted driving the getaway vehicle in Ayer, Massachusetts by Registry of Motor Vehicles Inspector, Charlie Nelson, and, as always, ran away. Other than a circus clown car, Danny could not have chosen a more-distinctive escape vehicle. The bright orange van with a pop top and two "for sale" signs was totally identifiable.
I went to that Ayer location and informed Littleton Officers Scott Comeau and Paul Baratta that Danny could hide absolutely anywhere, relating his tiny hiding place in the Bowen home. They found him hiding in a trash dumpster soon thereafter and he was placed under arrest (per Officer Baratta):
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Laplante finally captured - Sun photo: Mike Pigeon |
After receiving information that the McGovern's found they were missing an ammunition belt and 16-gauge shotgun ammo, I went back to Jewett Street and searched the wooded area behind their house, working my way east - in the same direction as Daniel's flight path. I quickly found the ammo belt, carefully rolled up and laid on the ground. It contained 15 rounds of 16-gauge ammunition.
"Clever", in part, defines this "boy". In his mid-teens, Danny was able to elude the Bowen family and the police until his cockiness prodded him into bolder acts, including kidnapping, rape and murder.
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The Sun (Lowell, MA) article - December 4, 1987 Prior to Daniel's trial on the murder charges, while on patrol, I received a radio call from Dispatch that Laplante was on the phone and was asking to talk to me. I went immediately to the police station, but Danny had hung up or been cut off. To this day, I have no idea the purpose of his call to me, and he never called again. When I broached the call to Asst DA Reilly, he told me to definitely talk to Laplante should he call again. |
The horror - 2 years of terror, dread and grief
What started out as a seemingly-harmless date with Danny going to the movies with young Tina Bowen, transitioned into Laplante having a sick fascination with the young lady - taunting and threatening the family while hiding in the wall of the home for extended periods - and finally, and boldly, taking the family hostage. Such mental trauma has to persist for a lifetime.
The reality is that, had Officer Bezanson not found Laplante's well-concealed hiding place, Daniel eventually may have killed all three, Exhibit A being the knife-impaled family photo with the threat:
“It was so quiet in that courtroom, you could hear a pin drop,” (Judge Robert) Barton recalled.
All eyes were on (Andrew) Gustafson.
Gustafson began to cry. He told the jury he was afraid he would find his children dead.
“In all my years as a judge, I have never forgotten that moment,” (Judge Robert) Barton said.
Barton speculating if Massachusetts had the death penalty: “I, personally, could pull the switch”
The fifth Elm Street connection surfaced at the Lowell Superior Court located at the corner of Elm Street and Gorham Street, where Laplante was tried, convicted and sentenced for the three murders..
In my mind, I still hear the screams of Lynne McGovern and Pam Makela, two smart women whose decisions saved their lives. I truly believe the presence of my partner, Officer Ken Beers outside the McGovern home, and the flight of a cowardly fugitive faced with armed cops, saved me from taking a blast from a 16-gauge shotgun. As Tom Reilly indicated to the jury:
"Laplante was fine killing a mother and her two little children. But what does he do when he runs into someone with a gun (me). He runs."
Lt. Tom Lane (Retired) |
It is interesting to note that, despite being armed for much of the manhunt, Danny never fired a shot. Starting with his arrest at gunpoint at the Bowen house - to my armed confrontation with him at the McGovern home - to Inspector Nelson stopping him in Ayer - to the Littleton officers forcing him from the dumpster and finally, to the State Police being informed by Danny that he had a handgun hidden in his underwear - when confronted by armed law enforcement officers, Laplante either ran or surrendered.
Law enforcement kept Danny on the run that day - a day that cops live for, or unfortunately, occasionally die for. It was a terrific pairing of police and community to achieve a necessary goal - the capture of a psychopathic killer that should die in prison.
Tom Reilly and his staff did a brilliant job in prosecuting the case against Laplante, but let me also state that the Massachusetts court system failed society miserably in the original chapter of this saga, the haunting and kidnapping of the Bowen family.. A year passed, and Laplante was still not tried on the kidnapping charges, despite my pleas to get it done. Add to that the release of a subject, deemed by every law enforcement officer acquainted with him, to be bent on destruction. What part of "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL" did Judge Travaline not quite understand?
During Laplante's arraignment, when First Asst. District Attorney, Tom Reilly, asked me to sit next to him, should questions arise on the manhunt, Travaline quickly asked the court officer to move me to a distant location. The alleged reason? The judge did not want someone with a gun so close to Laplante. The real reason? My Chief of Police was very vocal about Travaline's release of the (now) killer. Hardly the professional behavior expected of the presiding justice of the Ayer District Court.
I was not aware of the term, Consciousness of Guilt, until Reilly explained it to me. It means:
"... a powerful and highly incriminating inference that a judge or jury may draw from the statements or conduct of a defendant (accused) after a crime has been committed suggesting that the defendant knows he or she is guilty of the charged crime."
Very simply, it means that fleeing from prosecution - breaking into a home - stealing guns - plotting to kill a police lieutenant (me) and take the female occupant hostage - and finally taking a second woman hostage at gunpoint - may not appear to be the actions of an innocent man. Forgive the sarcasm. It abounds in police work.
My testimony in the Gustafson murder trial focused on the concept of consciousness of guilt. His flight from law enforcement, in addition to his crimes, both intended and committed, during the manhunt, were critical in convicting Daniel Laplante.
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Photo credit: Shawn Kelly and Joe Turner |
The how - what spawned this evil saga
The question remains. How did a pimply-faced adolescent get to wreak havoc on so many people from three small towns in central Massachusetts? Think of all the people horribly affected by Laplante's actions during the haunting, homicide and hunt episodes portrayed in this article.
What generated this - what drove it - and what made it temporarily successful - until Danny was finally stopped by law enforcement and the community? Danny pulled both the "youth" card and the "abuse" card in his defense, alleging that his yet-unformed brain and physical and sexual abuse initiated and drove his actions.
But it can also be argued that many young victims of sexual abuse don't rape, kidnap and murder. One thing is for certain, and that is Laplante has gained knowledge over the past 34 years, and I doubt his acute cleverness has dissipated. As Frank Bowen stated, he is "no dummy". Daniel has churned over in his mind the mistakes he made during his crimes that got him caught. He won't make them again if he is ever released from prison and continues on the path he chose in 1986. That is a thought that scares me.
How it could have gone - how bad could it have been
As written previously, The Bowen's lives were on the line until Danny was dispossessed from the walls of their home and arrested. Tina Bowen may have saved the lives of all four hostages on December 8, 1986 when she bravely escaped from her house - ran next door - and prompted a call to police.
And the turning point in the manhunt for the triple-murderer took place at the McGovern residence on Jewett Street. Had Lynne McGovern, now sadly deceased, not hailed me and ask that I re-enter her home with her, everything would have changed.
The hindsight - lessons from the saga
The main lessons here are:Other than a fixation on breaking into homes and stealing the contents, Danny did not seem to have a long-term, master plan. It seemed that he would do the house breaks and then make up the rest as circumstances changed.
In the Bowen, Gustafson, McGovern and Makela episodes, Laplante broke into their homes when the occupants were away and confronted them, or in the McGovern case - tried to do so. At the Bowen home on December 8, 1986, Daniel only confronted the family when they discovered him in a closet. It appeared that Laplante was unsure of how to deal with the four individuals and ended up confining them in a bedroom.
I feel that Daniel was unsure of his next move. He had not planed a kidnapping. He had two options. Option A was to get to his hiding place and hope the cops couldn't find him when they arrived. This apparently became his route because Tina's escape, and the officers' arrival, cancelled Option B - which I feel was to add rape and murder to his itinerary that evening, once the impulse struck.
The Gustafson murders started in a similar manner, with Danny breaking into the home, which was empty at the time. He had previously broken into the home and stole some items. But on this visit, Priscilla Gustafson came home with her son. Danny made up the rest - confronting Mrs. Gustafson and tying her to a bed - raping and killing her - drowning her son - and doing the same to the daughter when she got home from school. Each of those crimes occurred as Laplante impulsively raised (lowered?) the bar. He had the chance of bolting from the house upon Mrs. Gustafson's arrival - after raping her - after killing her and her son. He only departed when he had killed all three. He made it up as he went along.
Mrs. McGovern came home to a supposedly-empty house during the manhunt, and once again, Daniel escalated his misdeeds from a break-in - to a failed attempt to kidnap Mrs. McGovern - to a failed attempt to take me out of the picture - to bolting from the rear of the house. Impulse generated every action.
Pam Makela also came home to find Danny occupying the dwelling. My thought is that he wanted only food, drink and sanctuary, but Ms. Makela presented an opportunity to get away. Danny changed his plan. As with Lynne McGovern, that attempt failed.
To show that what I have written in this segment rings true, Danny was released on bail on the Bowen-related charges on October 9, 1987, and less than eight weeks later, he was back into breaking into homes - the Gustafson house in this case. But this time he had a gun. He was bolder. The Gustafson family paid the dear price.
So what happens now if Laplante is granted parole in the future? Will he wait even 53 days before committing his next heinous crime? Will he be more cunning this time and avoid detection and capture? By the way, why did he kill 7-year-old Abigail Gustafson? It appears he could have fled the murder scene without being spotted by her. The answers are obvious. There is no remorse in the cold, calculating Daniel Laplante - not then - not now - not ever. He needs to die in prison.
Daniel was convicted of three counts of murder in the Gustafson killings and sentenced to three consecutive life terms without the chance of parole. In 2017, however, the court gave Laplante a shot at eventual freedom (per Wikipedia):
On March 22, 2017, a re-sentencing hearing for LaPlante was held at Middlesex Superior Court in Woburn, Massachusetts. LaPlante asked for a reduction in his sentence. At the hearing, it was mentioned that during his first appeal, previous court rulings were cited saying that juveniles convicted of murder should be given a meaningful opportunity to re-engage with society. There was also a new law allowing “juveniles convicted of murder with extreme cruelty and atrocity to ask for parole after they’ve been behind bars for a minimum of 30 years.” The judge, however, affirmed LaPlante's' sentence of three consecutive terms of life imprisonment, with the possibility of parole after forty-five years, after a forensic psychiatrist evaluated LaPlante and found that he was not remorseful for his crimes.
(Shirley, MA 04/19/17) The Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center where Daniel Laplante is confined as of. Sept. 29, 2021. Staff photo by John Wilcox. |
The hope - the need to partner police & community
Amid the current civil unrest in our country and the discord between law enforcement and the public, I will use the Laplante manhunt, referred to at the time, as the largest manhunt in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the preceding 20 years, as an example of a workable, and successful, partnership between police and the community. I hope I live long enough to see that partnership re-emerge.
It wasn't just the cops that finally corralled this evil monster. Many citizens of the town of Pepperell helped immensely, several of whom could have since lost their lives. Their names follow, with my deep apologies to anyone whose name is missing.
Lynne and Paul McGovern, Pam Makela, Ronald Perry, John Leger, Edward Gillogly, Jonathan Lang, Timothy Hoegen
Steve Bezanson and I were in Los Angeles in September of 2021 for the filming of a television documentary focused on the Laplante saga, and we got to meet with Tina and Karen Bowen and their spouses. Both ladies suffered terribly following their ordeals in 1986. Their dad, Frank Bowen, left his girls for a period of time and died at the age of 50. The ladies relived their horrible trials in the upcoming documentary. That had to be both therapeutic and gut-wrenching for both. Daniel Laplante had literally torn the Bowen family apart.
"The light that puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star."
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Sunrise over Walden Pond- Credit: Tim Laman Fine Art |
Central Massachusetts Regional Police Academy at Boylston |
This was an amazing article and truly shows how police work should be in our communities, don't get rid of police....choose those who are a solid example of "serve & protect "!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you. As I said in the article, bad cps may be law enforcement's major enemy.
DeleteTom, beautifully written, and so pertinent to today's societal problems. In all my years dispatching, this was the most frightening case I encountered. Daniel LaPlante was (is) a true monster, and the Pepperell Police handled the case masterfully.
ReplyDeleteYour positive comment means much. Thank you for taking that time.
DeleteI remember this. I was 7 years old, scared, locked down in my house with my family and a killer on the loose. I'll never forget that.
ReplyDeleteLockdowns are scary times. Hope it never happens to you again.
DeleteI have so many memories of these events. I found this well written and heartfelt. I continue to pray for all involved. I remember as a 15 year old girl in Pepperell, alone at my home with helicopters flying overhead how terrified I was. Looking back at all of it, I honestly still get the chills. My eyes still fill with tears. This is truly what a horror movie is. Tom Lane, thank you for your dedication to serve and protect the town I grew up in. Thank you for being respectful. This is a class act article. God Bless.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate your positive feedback. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, an interesting piece. As Paul Harvey would say, “and now the rest of the story.” Most the key crime scene and forensic evidence gathered at and around the Gustafson home, recovered and and analyzed as well as details of the ensuing criminal investigation seem to be omitted. The evidence and description of the investigative steps taken, enabled homicide investigators to obtain a search warrant for LaPlante’s home the day after the murders, and recover key evidence, which led to the arrest warrant being issued for LaPlante. The case didn’t end after LaPlante’s arrest. There were hundreds of follow up interviews, searches and,forensic analyses painstakingly conducted over the next year before the trial actually happened. Police homicide units, forensic analysts, ballisticians, fingerprint and impression experts, assistant DAs, victim witness advocates played a critical roll in LaPlante’s successful prosecution and conviction. They deserve recognition for the their unheralded work.
This is how you write a fact filled article. Very impressed with the attention to detail and the incredible efforts by all involved. Being from a family with a homicide detective father I can see the stress that incidence like these leave on all involved, including law enforcement. Thank you for your service all the best from Canada.
ReplyDeleteTruly appreciate your kind words. That is a day I will never forget. It is amazing that no innocent person was killed or seriously injured during the manhunt. We kept him on the run for the entire day - so he nmever had a chance to settle in and successfully plot an escape.
DeleteTommy, I just found this article and want to commend you on a great job documenting those tragic days. I clearly remember the day we were all in Ayer Court, in the Prosecutor’s Office and you said, where the f*** is Danny LaPlante? You said, sounds like him to me. We all sat there and remembered him from the other case and had no idea he was out of custody. It was like you knew it was him and I think you said, you know he lives right behind the house where this happened and the dogs went that way. In one of the pictures you are telling me, Scott Comeau (RIP) and Kevin Ahern, he could be hiding anywhere and we found him hiding in the dumpster less than 15 minutes later. I remember Scott and I coming into the lumber yard and the back of the industrial building and watching everyone walk away, the helicopter lights leaving and Scotty saying to me, did anyone check that dumpster? We noticed the door to the mechanical part open and I saw quickly someone look out. I called to Scott and the RMV officer and approached the dumpster and went under and could see his sneakers and him sitting on top of a push screw for the trash. I yelled for him to come out and he jumped down and tried to run into the building, but was blocked. We could hear him running around inside and finally one leg fell through the door and I grabbed it and pulled him out and we jumped on top of him and turned him over and fought to cuff him. We called for backup and suddenly we’re surrounded by cops from all over the area. Trooper Joe Lawless was there and said, “is this him?” and a Peppermill officer said, “yea that’s him - I arrested him before”.He was taken to an unmarked SP car and they sped off. We knew he was armed and searched inside the dumpster for the gun and did not find one. We called Littleton PD dispatch and Jerry Sellers called down to the Barracks and said he might still be armed. In the mean time there was a huge accident at the Rte.2 rotary when he was brought down the the State Police K3 (A Troop) barracks between a SP cruiser and vehicle in the rotary. When Jerry called down to the barracks, they then went into the holding cell area guns drawn and that is when they found the gun hidden in his crotch. He was planning on escaping that night from the barracks. He later attempted to escape from the Middlesex jail while being held for the murders. I remember testifying in court and one thing that never has left me is the pure evil in his eyes when I was pulling him out and over to cuff. He looked back and said nothing, just the state of pure evil. He started to laugh uncontrollably when he was dragged into the unmarked State Police cruiser belonging to Joe Lawless, who was a SP Detective assigned to Middlesex County. I will never forget that night, you Tom for thanking me and shaking my hand and patting me on the back. Returning to LPD and having Chief Tom O’Dea (RIP) congratulate us and say we did a an incredible job, coming from him was everything - he was such an incredible leader and Chief. We received the Medal of a Valor from the MCJTC Tewksbury, this was before the Hanna Award and my family was able to celebrate. After the trial, we received thanks from the Littleton Board of Selectmen and recognized by the Westford/Littleton Elks. It was really a case of team work between the heroes of Pepperell, Townsend, Littleton, Groton, and Ayer, State, and RMV police departments. I remember Charlie Nelson from the RMV Police (later becoming part of the State Police with merger of Metro and RMV in SP) standing next to me after Plante was taken away and a tear in his eye, saying those poor kids - I hope this will help their dad. And Kevin Ahern, there with a arm over my shoulder walking me back to our cruisers. And you shaking my hand. For those of you that don’t really know, Danny LaPlante is pure evil and laughing uncontrollably when he was finally captured. While incarcerated sued the state for his right to pornography and was represented by a large Boston firm. Thank God he will die in prison.
ReplyDeletePaul, The comment says "anonymous". Was that you that posted it. Please let me know if it is yours. You guys did a great job that day. You guys deserve any accolades you got, and then some. This entire story needs to be on film, including the manhunt, but thus far, the hauntings in the Bowen home get all the attention - not the murders and manhunt. I will be talking to another Hollywood producer tomorrow, but it doesn't sound like they are focusing on those aspects. Great to hear from you.
ReplyDeleteThat’s me Tom. Great to hear from you. PJ
Delete"The hauntings in the Bowen home get all the attention"...that is the sad truth. The irony in that is most of the information on the "hauntings" is untrue. I was there ...I was a "friend" of Tina's. It blows my mind how
Deletethat story became what it did. Many untruths
Agreed. Laplante destroyed the Bowen family, but did the same to the Gustafson family - and could have taken more lives during the manhunt. Another documentary is upcoming. I hope it covers the whole story.
DeleteVery good article, great writing.
ReplyDeleteI just watched that documentary which yourself and Officer Bezanson spoke in. I was so touched by the bravery and the cleverness and the tenacity of Officer Bezanson, and by the uncanny way he found that boy behind the wall. And i am so struck by the almost supernatural force that made you take 6 photos of him, (rather than the prescription 2), then sense immediately his name after the actual murders-but then— heres the kicker—made you turn into the actual driveway of the home where he was awaiting his next victim. Something is too compelling here to be coincidence. Carl Jung pointed to ‘synchronicity’ in such cases— a set of similar—themed, and undeniably—joined, happenings , occurring in a person’s life, which can only be explained as supra-human, and driven by an unseen, higher, hand. Coupled with Officer Bezanson’s uncanny triumph, and i feel a presence, a teleological force helping you guys in this case. It’s really too much. After having read thos article, though, i am now made to think of what you raise here: that is, the disconnect between the police snd the community. Same here. In my home town, Melbourne Australia, last week, a mass of youths , with MASKS on, violently attacked police officers in the city. They punched horses-beautiful HORSES. But, im so sorry to write, they also were armed with acid. Some police officers went to hospital with acid burns. Never in the history of my country—not one time, have ‘demonstrators’ -(an excuse term for the to cover their simple, mass-unconscious, urge to do harm as a group)—ever carried ACID. Tjings are happening. “Things are falling apart. The centre cannot hold….” —lines from a William Stafford poem worth reading. Nothing superficial will cure what’s occurring now. But i wanted so much to express how—(apart from the uncanny forces i feel were moving in your selves in tjis Danny La Plante affair)— that you both touched something inside me tonight. Something good. I hope your time in you respective retirements, are going well for you and your loved ones. I wish you much life. Many thanks. I will be sitting with this for some time. Yours sincerely, Susan. (PS -yes, you may see a profile of me come up as a Boy George photo from the 1980s. No, I’m not a nutter - mostly, lol, but i removed my photo years ago when working with drug addicts snd other even more afflicted types of addicts, whom i did not wish to be traceable to. Thanks again. Bye now. )
ReplyDeleteSteve and I truly appreciate your positive comments. I will be doing some research on your "Jung connection". I believe there is more to come (film, another documentary) on the Laplante saga. His evil acts still haunt me.== Tom Lane