As a former Chemical Engineer, I have always had an issue with NBA analysts using the term "chemistry" when describing positive player-pairings or textbook team play. The reaction of various chemicals can be either destructive or "synergistic". Let me explain.
A stick of dynamite or container of Tennerite requires a blasting cap or high-energy bullet, respectively, to explode. I have witnessed the explosive power of both, and the destruction each can cause. May I suggest the destructive effects that the inclusion of the volatile Kyrie Irving had on the welfare of the Boston Celtics.
SYNERGY: (Definition)
mutually advantageous conjunction or compatibility of distinct business participants or elements (such as resources or efforts)
"Synergy", on the other hand, suggests a beneficial combination of participants in an endeavor. There are no negative connotations here. Let me mention the extention of Al Horford's contract and the addition of Malcolm Brogdon and Derrick White as positive examples here.
From a pure chemistry point of view, the sodium bicarbonate and citric acid in Alka-Seltzer combine in solution to ease your stomach maladies. That is synergy. I think @CelticsSentinel has perfectly defined the success of this year’s Celtics, and of Celtic Pride! ☘️
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