Author's Note: This is the first of an undetermined number of thoughts from a guy who turns 80 on his next birthday.
"When you stop moving, your body shuts down!" --- Tom Lane
I watched as both my dad and brother retired early and gradually moved less and less as the years passed. Both died at the age of 64. My father died of ALS, which may have been unpreventatble, but my brother, Don, died of heart failure.
My granddaughter, Courtney, was born with cystic fibrosis and died at the age of 25. I often pestered her into moving more to remain as healthy as possible, just as I had with Don. Both reuttered my movement/body shut-down axiom a few times, but never followed it. They both should have lived longer.
My mom and sister passed away at 48 and 19 years of age, respectively. They were unlucky - with my mother contracting cancer and my sister dieing of MS. I have weathered both cancer and heart disease but have (thus far) beaten both.
We were born to move. I preach that cardio exercise is primarily for heart health and general well-being, but has limited value for weight management. My time in the gym is spent entirely on strength training, which may be as close to the Fountain of Youth as you can get.
But I walk outdoors most days of the week, usually in the morning when my energy is at its highest. That is also when I do my strength training. I get it out of the way early.
Don't allow your body to get signals that it is time to shut down. Keep moving.
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